Tagged: nick xenophon


I certainly hoped that the Queensland election result would show a good swing to Labor so that the 2018 election could get it over the line – but I did NOT expect Labor to be within a bees whisker of becoming the Government! Wow indeed! Even the ABC’s Antony Green was stunned, which in itself was something to behold – he is usually unflappable! There will be essays written about this result in Politics 101 courses all over the country for years to come!

Nick Xenophon said something to the effect that this wasn’t a tsunami of a result, but more a ‘Big Bang’ and I think he meant that the unexpected results in Victoria and Queensland demonstrate a voter volatility that heralds a new way of regarding electors versus Governments – ie Governments take electors for granted and treat them with contempt at their peril! If that’s not what he meant, it should have been!

An unexpected bonus on the weekend was the 6% swing to Labor in the rock solid Liberal seat of Davenport in a South Australian by-election! (7 exclamation marks in 7 sentences, so far, but that’s what’s needed for an amazing story!)

Now for Tony Abbott.