Yes, I’m still alive!

My last post was June 2018! Jeez, time flies when you are having fun and there has been so much ‘fun’ since then!

Donald Trump has gone (but is it temporary), Boris Johnson has come and gone (like a fart in a lift), Malcolm Turnbull* has gone (promised so much, delivered so little), and Scott Morrison has gone (thank you God, you got that one right). And talking of infectious diseases that negatively impact on peoples’ lives, or possibly kill you, COVID came – but didn’t go away.

Then there’s Russia’s brutal and disgusting invasion of Ukraine! I said “Russia’s”, but I should have said “Putin’s”. It is possible of course, that a majority of the Russian people will eventually get sick of his dictatorship, but as of now, it is a shame that I cannot add Putin’s name to the list of the vanquished in the previous paragraph.

I have been on the anti-Putin side of things since the invasion commenced, but have I considered the other side of the ruble? Well, of course I have, because I would not have posed that question if I hadn’t! I have looked at videos, read documents and listened to a friend who thinks the USA (et al) is Satan’s child. There are some valid arguments on the Russian side of things, eg broken promises about the non-expansion of NATO eastwards, but in the end what I saw or read was peoples’ opinions and whether or not the reader/viewer had the same values. My values do not include condoning the destruction of an independent country, its infrastructure and its people!

*I read his book (“A Bigger Picture”) and found it to be boring, forgettable and implausible. In addition, his constant references to his wife made we wonder who was PM, Malcolm or Lucy?

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